Shannon to New York John F Kennedy International Flights

Flying between John F Kennedy International to Shannon is very convenient as there are 4 airliners offering direct flights including JetBlue, British Airways, American Airlines and Aer Lingus. The flight from Shannon to John F Kennedy International is approximately 4,946 Kilometers which is 3,073 Miles. You should expect a flight time of around 6 Hours 37 Minutes.

Depending on the day of the week and the time of day you book, flight prices can vary dramatically. To obtain the best prices for John F Kennedy International flights than book well in advance. Flight to John F Kennedy International will get more expensive the nearer you get the departure date, so it’s advisable to book in advance if it is possible.

When arriving at John F Kennedy International don’t forget to set your watch to the local time!

To see all airliners that offer flights between Shannon and John F Kennedy International please see the table below.

AirlinerMoTuWeThFrSaSuFirst FlightLast Flight
British Airways111111114:0014:00
American Airlines111111114:0014:00
Aer Lingus111111114:0014:00

The most direct flights are offered by JetBlue but they only offer 1 flight per week. This flight departs 14:00 and goes by the flight number B66811

If you wish to book your flight with JetBlue then we advise you book direct from their website at The best discounts can only be obtained from their website.

The flight time for JetBlue vary based on the month you will travel, but below we has summarised the most common times they will fly. We recommend you only take these times as guidance and check with JetBlue for the exact times for the date you depart.

DayFlying Time

If you are planning to hire a car from John F Kennedy International airport then don’t wait until you arrive. The prices are typically 20% to 30% higher and the availability of vehicles are much lower. You can check out the solutions we have for car hire on our car hire pages which can save you £££’s.

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